
Tale: Eyes, ears, hands and feet

One day, eyes, ears, hands and feet set off on a hunt. As they went, the ears heard a noise in the bush, the eyes saw a game animal running at full speed, and at the same time the feet began to chase the game until they reached it, and the hands seized the game. Once the game had been divided into four parts, each took his share and the head remained. The four began to discuss the head: the ears said they were the ones who heard the noise, the eyes said they were the ones who had seen, the feet said they were the ones who had caught up with the animal, and the hands said they were the ones who had caught it.

So who's going to take the head?

That's why God made man and put these four limbs on his body.

SOHOU C. Hubert

C'est pourquoi Dieu a fait l'homme et a mis ces quatre membres sur le corps.

 SOHOU C. Hubert

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